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To me Obama just seemed stunned that Mitt would lie through his teeth like that...


You meant like O'l Barry doesn't lie?

"My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years."

"We will have the most transparent administration in History"

"When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it."

And something about bipartisan healthcare reform "and we will put it on C-Span?



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Vote for Nobody...

Nobody will tell you the truth,

Nobody will keep his campaign promises,

Nobody will listen to your needs,

Nobody will address the problems facing America,

Nobody will make everyone happy,

Nobody will make the deficit disappear

Nobody is the perfect President :grin:


Vote for Nobody...

Nobody will tell you the truth,

Nobody will keep his campaign promises,

Nobody will listen to your needs,

Nobody will address the problems facing America,

Nobody will make everyone happy,

Nobody will make the deficit disappear

Nobody is the perfect President :grin:

Here an even BETTER idea.

Vote for Gary Johnson, of course he won't win, but you will feel better that you are now part of supporting a solution instead of perpetuating the problem.


Here an even BETTER idea.

Vote for Gary Johnson, of course he won't win, but you will feel better that you are now part of supporting a solution instead of perpetuating the problem.

Throwing away my vote will not make me "feel better." I live in a swing state, where my vote could make a difference. Voting for a Libertarian, which is nowhere close to my political ideology would in effect, be a wasted trip to the polling place, and I outright refuse to do that.

Besides, Gary Johnson used to be a Republican, and I can't vote for anyone that has the stain of that on their resume. As long as the Jesus squad has a stranglehold on the GOP, I'll never vote for any of them.


I do select a candidate. That candidate is a Democrat. Frankly, I give less than a damn what anyone says or thinks about that.

As long as the Republican party is run by Christofascists, they don't exist in my mind as a legitimate political party and therefore will never get my vote. As a woman, as an atheist, as someone with gay friends, as a pacifist.....the Democratic Party isn't perfect, but voting anything else would be suicide.


Not all the Republicans are bad. Not all the Democrats are bad.

There are plenty of terrible Republicans. There are plenty of terrible Democrats.

I am VEHEMENTLY against partisan politics. It's absolutely terrible. There was a reason George Washington warned against political parties in his farewell address. Because they develop an "Us vs. Them" mentality that makes people care more about what party they're voting with than who or what they're voting for. We are a more polarized country now than since the Civil War. That's how much Americans hate each other.

Every political zealot who thinks their party is infallible and the other party is pure evil is the kind of person I wish would just stay home and never vote because they're an absolute moron.

I am an independent. I vote for Democrats. I vote for Republicans. I vote for whomever I feel is the right candidate. I don't care if they're a member of the Pastafarian party, I don't care what label they give themselves, I vote for who I agree with.


Oh trust me, I don't think the Democrats are infallible. I think the majority of them are spineless pussies. The current Democratic party isn't even completely in line with my own political ideology anyway; if there was a Socialist party that had as much pull as the two major parties, that's who I'd vote for. However, the Democrats are close to what I believe in a lot other areas, which is why they get my vote.

You vote for who you agree with, as do I. I've voted 3rd party before on local and state issues here in North Carolina, so I don't vote straight-ticket Democratic.....but I refuse to vote for a Republican so long as the national party is at the behest of the theocratic right. I'm a woman, I'm not a Christian, I have a college degree....the national party hates people like me. I will not cast a ballot for someone representing a party that hates people like me. You'd have to think me crazy to do something like that.

You can call that whatever you want, you can either like it or dislike it, I really don't care. The only people I truly believe are morons are the people who don't bother to get informed enough in the first place to vote, regardless of who they intend to vote for.


We are a more polarized country now than since the Civil War. That's how much Americans hate each other.

That's a bold claim, given Reconstruction, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights Movement, just to name a few historical moments.


That's a bold claim, given Reconstruction, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights Movement, just to name a few historical moments.

Not that he is exactly a reliable source, but Jimmy Carter agrees with me. My claim isn't necessarily based on exact empirical evidence such as surveys and the like as it isn't exactly available. However, I do know that, at least according to a Pew study, we are more polarized than we have been in the past 25 years and many analysts claim that we are, in fact, more polarized now than since the Civil War.

But on the whole, I guess it's more of a matter of opinion than anything as it doesn't have empirical evidence to back it up.


If you want to know *real* polarization, how about looking at the late 60s. My parents were in their late 20s then....that wasn't Republican vs. Democrat, that was old vs. young. That was rich vs. poor, as people with more money often got deferments from service, and the poor kids were sent off to Vietnam as cannon fodder. My uncle was one of them.

Also, the assassinations of MLK and RFK, race riots....nothing going on right now even remotely comes close to sniffing the mid to late 1960s.


The 60's (despite the war, assassinations, etc.) was an exciting time to live. It was a time of real change and of people standing up to authority and those in power.



I agree; a lot of great social and political change happened in the 1960s. Civil Rights Act, Loving v. Virginia, women's rights, gay rights...the list goes on.

That being said, the polarization in this country was at its worst at that time, because it wasn't driven along party lines, it was all generational. In some areas it was also racial, but it mostly generational.


I don't necessarily agree, although it's apples and oranges, and fundamentally I'm in the same basic camp as you are pink. The 60's while a time of great change and yes, definite polarization, were a very different time than now. Those changes, while provoking such strong opinions emotions didn't necessarily touch each individual personally, or make an impact on their lives, most especially those in middle America. In many cases it was something to watch on the news and shake their heads over.

In today's world, the issues of the day effect each and everyone of us personally, whether it be jobs, bank accounts, education, taxes, environment, etc etc.

The changes of the 60's evoked strong opinions in many but little actual effect on individual day to day lives in many cases. The issues of today's world effect each and everyone of us in a much more personal way and seem to be more polarizing than the 60's just in the widespread effect they have on us.

Of course I'm half asleep at the moment and probably completely wrong anyway ... ;)


Is anybody here actually volunteering or working for any of the campaigns? Just curious. I've been doing some volunteering for the Obama campaign. I find it to be a more productive use of my time than bickering on the internet.


Is anybody here actually volunteering or working for any of the campaigns? Just curious. I've been doing some volunteering for the Obama campaign. I find it to be a more productive use of my time than bickering on the internet.

I've canvassed and done phone banks. Just like I did in 2008.

I guess that means I can bicker on the Internet, now that I've also done something productive with my time.

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