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Dropkick Murphys


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The Boston Red Sox, Irish music, and The Departed all have one thing in common: the Dropkick Murphys.

The Dropkicks were there when the Sox ended an 86 year World Series slump in 2004, ringing in the new reign with "Tessie," helping make the song a Sox game tradition. (They were also there for the A-Rod bench brawl brouhaha, but that's another story.)

Dropkick Matt Kelly told us about their newest live album, and their connection to Woody Guthrie (wait - what?!?). Plus, keep your ears open... there's a new Murphy studio effort about to Drop. Kick.

Dropkick Murphy Matt Kelly

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Talk about a career boost: the Red Sox hired these guys to record "Tessie" in 2004, and they finally win it that year.

I also like that they dug through the Woody Guthrie archives and picked out the first song that mentioned Boston.

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I had heard a story about "Tessie". When the Murphys recorded it and started to get a little bit of airplay, the Red Sox were leading the division, then immediately went into a major slump, and it appeared they were going to revert back to their old form of blowing leads halfway through the season.

It is rumored that the Murphys were receiving death threats for releasing the song. Now, this is only hearsay. I was hoping to hear from the dude if this was actually true.

But in the end all turned out well. The Sox won the series, the Yankees had the biggest collapse in sports history, and the Murphys went on to fame and fortune.


:afro: :afro: :afro: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

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I'm a Yankees fan...but after reading this...I can't really say anything bad about this group...this is some pretty good music (except the Tessie stuff)this is a good band...And I'll deny anything when it comes to the Yankees

Good music :headphones:

this is a good band :)

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