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How serious would you take it if I told you...


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I love squirrels!! :grin:

And I'm not afraid of spiders, in fact, one saved my life. I was bitten by a sort of tarantula on the mountain ten years ago, I had to go to the hospital where they noticed a strange spot on my arm. They said "the spider thing is ok, just put this cream for two days... but the spot on your arm must be removed tomorrow in the morning". It was melanoma, if not for that spider I would have been to the doctor maybe one year later... and then it would have been too late. I would have never been a Songfactor.

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I dont like clowns, either. I am not scared of them, I am just not amused. Glorified mimes, they are.

Of course your not scared of them Marc you have a gun :laughing:

Personalty I don't mind clowns. They are just men behind make-up.

I'm a good ol' down to earth Capricorn and ony fear the things that will really hurt me. Like those freaking Japanese Hornets :o

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My worse fear is being homeless. It's ridiculous as I've never been homeless nor anybody in my family, childhood, friends, relatives, etc, but it always shocked me so much to see people sleeping on the streets :P

Not trying to disparage your choice of wording but perhaps its more of "Gosh, I'm fortunate not to experience the life of the homeless" as oppose to being a fear.

I too have thought often about the homeless and how could I manage if ever put/forced into that position. My heart breaks seeing the poor and I often question (and/or maybe confuse) myself that perhaps its of their own choosing, or matters that couldn't be controlled.

On second thought, maybe 'fear' was a good choice to use. Sorry. :)

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A song by Phil Ochs:

Show me the prison, show me the jail

Show me the prisoner, whose life has gone stale

And I'll show you, young man,

With so many reasons why

there but for fortune, go you or I......mm.mm

Show me the alley, show me the train

Show me the hobo, who sleeps out in the rain

And I'll show you, young man,

With so many reasons why

there but for fortune ,go you or I, mm.mm

Show me the whiskey, stains on the floor

Show me the drunkard, as he stumbles out the door

And I'll show you, young man

with so many reasons why

there but for fortune go you or I, mmm,mm

Show me the country, where the bombs had to fall

Show me the ruins of the buildings, once so tall

And I'll show you, young land

with so many reasons why

there but for fortune go you and I, you and I.

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