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It was not that hot today but the sun was shining on the mountain... so I got asleep for one hour on the hammock while my husband and my friends were gardening and making the barbeque. It was paradise... :cool: ...and I got burnt, my face is red. I didn´t take out my sunglases so now I look like I´ve been skiing... :P


Maybe this should be in what grinds your gears, OR "What pickles your Gerkins" but oh well....the last 2 days it has been in the 90's...we have central air, but my father in law insists on not turning the air on....he wants to save on electricity I guess...but his excuse is he's cold....well then in the winter he sets the heat down to 64!!!!!what the heck...he doesn't complain about being cold then!!!!....Oh well, we pay the bill, so I cranked that air on this morning, he didn't touch that thermastat for awhile, but then he did eventually shut it off again!.....grrrrrrrr....


ohhh gosh it's just 9:30pm yesterday for you? Here's it's half past two in the afternoon.

I know time zones exist, but sometimes they're so... vivid

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That was very graphic, Radhi... :cool:


it must be really strange...

edna, we are in the middle of the world (timezone wise), so nobody is more than, say 9 hours away...

I couldn't imagine what talking to someone with a 20 hour difference would be like :P


I dislike this one. I can't stand to be ending my day when everyone else is just starting theirs (or ending their yesterday). It feels like losing time :crazy: :P

Such a nice city, with such a silly timezone :(


It feels like losing time

Wow. Where should I start? Bear with me . . .

David Bowie once said, "Time may change me but I can't change time."

Tyme is only a concept in the mortal mind.

Cruel to be kind

To those that are blind

Why should it be

Hate, suffering and misery?

There is no, not even one reason.


Heatwave up in New Jersey. Four days in a row of temperatures hovering near 100. Yes, hot and humid, but I am not complaining.....I love summer and I will smile even if my face melts.

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