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Rodriguez - Undeservedly Underrated


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It's hard to understand why Detroit born Rodriguez and his brilliant first album "Cold Fact" and his compilation album "At his Best" (released only in Australia and New Zealand), has been so largely ignored in the US and around the world. They're outstanding and deserving of classic status. Anyone else here who thinks Rodriguez deserves more recognition?

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an album could be brilliant, but if you don't promote it, it'll hardly get recognition on a large scale

Yes, those are the facts. My question is why the groundswell of appreciation and following in OZ and NZ was not repeated around the world (paticularly in the US). Was he too political? Too left? Too Dylanesque? Were the drug references in the song Sugar Man too affronting? There does not appear to be an obvious reason why he has been so largely ignored and unpromoted. Rodriguez himself wanted success and has toured Australia a few times.

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