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Posts posted by MarcM
My mom's basset was allergic to fleas, grass, wheat, and I am sure a few other things. She was always on cortisone and her skin was red all the time.
Good luck.
Here is some ammo, Laurie: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLG_enUS315US315&q=elderly+driver+kills
Fortunately, we were able to convince my father in law with out too much effort that he should not drive anymore. His vision was the main reason. It helped that he had recently dented up his car a few times. The last time was when he hit my car backing out of the garage. He has not driven now for 3 years and it is still hard for him. He has gotten better about asking us to take him places he needs or wants to go. He has also started walking around the neighborhood. He has met people at some of the local stores and they have befriended him. I let him use one of my backpacks and he does some of his errands without our help. That helps make his feel more independant.
I always pictured him as a bartender in some fancy Japanese hotel.
I need to dust in here.
some sort of beer with raspberry in it. Not a Lambic.
Not a walrus,,,The Walrus
Empty boxes in the cupboard that once contained snacks I am craving! Is it so hard to throw away the box if you take the last freakin bag of popcorn?
I was going to have some kettle corn, but someone keeps taking the last package and not taking the box out of the cupboard! I am soooo disappointed
You are welcome, Lucky!
My brother looks like Shatner w/o the wig.
I am sorry you got that Lucky, and that it upset you. It is unfortunate, but those are all over internet. They usually come from Africa and the sender is hoping to scare whoever getS the E-MAIL. The police will most likely not do anything with it, as it is an old scam. Do not worry! Read this:
Towards the end is a link that you can report this e-mail to. If there had been any kind of specific details in the e-mail that made it obvious that the e-mail was specifically for you, then I would have recommended you call the cops.
2 day leftover chicken from Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Still good after a reheat!
That must have been some reunion, Edna! Sounds like he went out having had a good time. We should all be so lucky.
I have not, but my sister has. She has spent quit a bit of time doing it, in fact.
what thread is this.....61 and drizzling
I dont know how many times I have to tell these trusties that the coffee pot is to be clean when I come in on Saturday mornings. They are going to be cleaning door knobs all day today. Why? Because I am a bastard and they have been placed in my charge. Or at least until I have had my first cup....
Got to love Groucho!
is marriage scary?
It has it's scary moments, but for the most part, it is a fine institution. But who wants to be institutionalized?
Ask a Songfactor
in Random Thoughts
Thats where those guys live. They dont have the budget to travel, I reckon. They did go to Scotland for a show, though.....