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Posts posted by MarcM

  1. I had a dream some years back when I lived next to the 110 freeway in So Pasadena. I dreamed that I walked down the off ramp onto the freeway. I walked a little bit further and stopped to find WW1 was being fought on the North bound lanes.

  2. I have had a lot of dreams that involve me being in shootings. They are never the same scenario, but the bullets always move in slow motion and I always win. I remember 2 dreams in particular.

    The first one I had when I was on patrol training. I dreamed that my training officer and I were having a gun battle with someone. I looked over at him as he was getting ready to speak into the microphone of his radio. When I looked over, he said into the radio, "Shootout." The way he said it was like a guy trying to be really suave and hip. I woke up laughing.

    The second one had me and my friend Melissa, who is also a deputy, in downtown Los Angeles. We somehow got into shooting with someone that recognized us a cops. I remember firing all of my bullets and then reloading, but instead of reloading normally, I kneeled down on the ground, tapped the bottom of the pistol on the road, then did some other weird stuff to make the pistol ready to fire again. When everything was over, I looked over to see an LAPD cop just standing there a few feet away. He had been there the whole time and had said or done nothing. I looked over at him and told him that everything was OK because we were deputies. He said, "I can tell by the way you reloaded your pistol."

  3. Every once in a while, either my mom or dad will show up in a dream. It never really occurs to me in the dream that they are both gone, only after I wake up do I remember, "Oh yeah, they are gone." The dreams are nothing weird, just a regular slice of life, for the most part. I think about them often, so the dreams do not surprise me. They do not depress me, either. It is kind of like a "visit from beyond!"

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