Guitarists (first or last name) A B C D Eric Clapton Flanagan, Barry Gilmour, David Hendrix, Jimi I J K L May, Brian N O Page, Jimmy Q Ritenour, Lee Segovia, Andres T U V Wood, Bob X Y Z
Things you will do now that warmer weather is finally here. A Butterfly chasing Courtship under the boardwalk Drink beer on the patio :haveabeer: Estivate. F Grow weed H I "Jackass: For Real!" Kite flying Light fireworks in July M N Off road Skateboarding (Ouch!) Put some shrimp on the barbie Quit wearing jackets R Stare at hot bikini-clad chicks Take down the outdoor Christmas lights U Vent cleaning for air conditioning Watch hockey Xrays for injuries sustained during summer activities Yelling like Joe Cocker at Summer Rock concerts Zoo
Guitarists (first or last name) A B C D E Flanagan, Barry Gilmour, David Hendrix, Jimi I J K L May, Brian N O Page, Jimmy Q Ritenour, Lee Segovia, Andres T U V W X Y Z
Things you will do now that warmer weather is finally here. A Butterfly chasing Courtship under the boardwalk Drink beer on the patio :haveabeer: Estivate. F Grow weed H I J Kite flying Light fireworks in July M N Off road Skateboarding (Ouch!) Put some shrimp on the barbie Quit wearing jackets R Stare at hot bikini-clad chicks Take down the outdoor Christmas lights U V Watch hockey Xrays for injuries sustained during summer activities Yelling like Joe Cocker at Summer Rock concerts Zoo
Things you will do now that warmer weather is finally here. A Butterfly chasing C Drink beer on the patio :haveabeer: Estivate. F Grow weed H I J K Light fireworks in July M N Off road Skateboarding (Ouch!) Put some shrimp on the barbie Quit wearing jackets R Stare at hot bikini-clad chicks Take down the outdoor Christmas lights U V Watch hockey Xrays for injuries sustained during summer activities Yelling like Joe Cocker at Summer Rock concerts Zoo
Things you will do now that warmer weather is finally here. A Butterfly chasing C Drink beer on the patio :haveabeer: Estivate. F Grow weed H I J K Light fireworks in July M N O Put some shrimp on the barbie Q R Stare at hot bikini-clad chicks Take down the outdoor Christmas lights U V Watch hockey Xrays for injuries sustained during summer activities Yelling like Joe Cocker at Summer Rock concerts Zoo
I sang 1999 by Prince on the NYE of '99, but other than that I don't think I've ever sang on NYE before Name something you would keep in your vehicle, that most others most likely wouldn't
Things you will do now that warmer weather is finally here. A Butterfly chasing C Drink beer on the patio :haveabeer: Estivate. F Grow weed H I J K Light fireworks in July M N O Put some shrimp on the barbie Q R Stare at hot bikini-clad chicks Take down the outdoor Christmas lights U V Watch hockey Xrays for injuries sustained during summer activities Y Z