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Crazy Don

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Everything posted by Crazy Don

  1. Singers or Musicians whose Last Name contains just 1 Syllable (alphabetical by last name) A Brown, James Crow, Sheryl D Edge, Graeme (Moody Blues) F Guy, Buddy Howe, Steve I Joel, Billy King, Carole Lee, Brenda M Nicks, Stevie Orff, Carl Page, Jimmy Quinn, Freddy Rose, William "Axl" S T U Vaughan, Stevie Ray White, Alan X Young, Angus Zahn, Johannes
  2. Your Mother Should Know--The Beatles Why Can't We Be Friends?--War
  3. that could fill a swimming pool
  4. Countries Of The World Afghanistan Brazil Canada Denmark England Finland Greece Honduras Italy Japan Kenya Lithuania M Netherlands Oman Portugal Qatar R Switzerland Tunisia United States Of America Venezuela W x --- Yemen Zimbabwe
  5. Songs that contains a the name of a real person in the title Alexander Graham Bell - The Sweet Buddy Holly--Weezer C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright - Simon & Garfunkel T U V W X Y Z
  6. and always saying "y'all"
  7. Countries of the World A B C D E F Greece H I J K L M Netherlands O P Qatar R S T U V w --- x --- Y Zimbabwe
  8. Words with a Q, X, or Z in them Amaze B Chipanzee Daiquiri Equator Freeze Grizzly H I J K Laxative Maize Nazareth Onxy Plaque Quiz Reliquary Squeeze Topaz Unqualified Vaporize Wizard Xylophone Yahtzee Zebra
  9. Words with a Q, X, or Z in them Amaze B Chipanzee Daiquiri Equator F G H I J K Laxative M N O P Quiz Reliquary Squeeze T Unqualified V W Xylophone Yahtzee Zebra
  10. Words with a Q, X, or Z in them Amaze B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Quiz R S T U V W Xylophone Y Zebra
  11. Artists with a Color in their name, or have a Song that contains a Color in the title A Blood Red Shoes Crosby, Stills & Nash - Suite: Judy Blue Eyes Deep Purple E F Green Day Hollies, The - Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress Indigo Girls J K Led Zeppelin - Tangerine Moody Blues N Orange Bicycle Pink Floyd Queensryche - Chasing Blue Sky Red Hot Chili Peppers S Tommy James & the Shondells--Crimson & Clover U2 - Ultra Violet Velvet Underground, The - Pale Blue Eyes Whitesnake X - White Girl Yellowcard ZZ Top - Brown Sugar
  12. who lived upon the hill
  13. Goin' to a Go-Go--Smokey Robinson & the Miracles Do You Wanna Dance--Bobby Freeman
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