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Crazy Don

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Everything posted by Crazy Don

  1. Top Ten Members of the '27 Club' 10. Amy Winehouse 9. Jim Morrison 8. Kurt Cobain 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
  2. That'll Be the Day--Buddy Holly & the Crickets
  3. with a bottle of Chardonnay
  4. And go out driving in my Chevrolet
  5. One Word Movie Titles (not counting "The") A B C Departed E F Giant H Inception Jumanji K L M N O P Q Robe, The S T Up V W Xanadu Yentl Zoolander
  6. One Word Movie Titles (not counting "The") A B C D E F G H Inception J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Xanadu Yentl Zoolander
  7. Bands / Artists with at least 10 studio albums A Black Sabbath Chicago D Everly Brothers Fleetwood Mac Green Day Heart I Journey Kansas Lynyrd Skynyrd Moody Blues Nilsson Ozzy Osbourne Pink Floyd Queen Richard, Cliff Santana Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers U2 Van Halen Who, The X Yes ZZ Top
  8. the many plans to lose weight
  9. Bands / Artists with at least 10 studio albums A B Chicago D E F G H I Journey K L M N O P Queen R Santana T U V W X Yes ZZ Top
  10. until sometime around eight
  11. Singers or Musicians whose Last Name contains 3 or more Syllables (alphabetical by last name) Anderson, Jon (Yes) Buckingham, Lindsey Cetera, Peter D Entwistle, John Fogerty, John G Harrison, George Iommi, Tony J K L Mercury, Freddie Novoselic, Krist O P Quintana, Charlie (Social Distortion, Plugz, etc) R S T U V W Xavier, Phideaux Y Zimmerman, Bob "Dylan"
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