In "Fat Bottomed Girls" Freddie sings "get on your bikes and ride" and in "Bicycle Race" they sing "fat bottomed girls, they'll be riding today".
Michael Jackson and The Jacksons. This one hasn't been recognised anywhere but if you listen to the songs back-to-back you can pick up that MJ is singing about the same girl in each one.
"She's Out Of My Life" from Off The Wall
and then "Time Waits For No One" from The Jacksons album Triumph.
If it were a story the first song would be when the break-up has happened, and the second song would be maybe a month later with Michael still lamenting over it.
Also from MJ, "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" contains the lyrics "Billie Jean is always talkin', when nobody else is talkin'", linking it to the classic that appears later on Thriller.