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About ladybug

  • Birthday 03/25/1970

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tadpole (1/19)



  1. No, you need to become a science fiction writer and then convince everyone you know the secret to their unhappiness. That is what brings in the money http://www.scientomogy.com/xenu.com.php http://www.xenu.net/archive/media/time910605.html http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/celebrities.htm http://www.enturbulation.org/ http://www.xenutv.com/ http://www.whyaretheydead.net/ http://forum.exscn.net/index.php http://www.xenu.net/
  2. A fool and his money is easy departed from each other. But I am sure she had be hounded and hounded by the Scientologist to give it up. They can put extreme pressure on their members to donate. Tom Cruise gets a break because he is willing to make a fool of himself on their videos. But when I think about all the homeless and hungry that could of put that money to good use, it turns my stomach. All the money is going to be spent on Miscavige’s yacht and feeding the guards that watch over Xenu. What a pity http://www.scientomogy.com/xenu.com.php http://www.xenu.net/archive/media/time910605.html http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/celebrities.htm http://www.enturbulation.org/ http://www.xenutv.com/ http://www.whyaretheydead.net/ http://forum.exscn.net/index.php http://www.xenu.net/
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