a great song indeed
Tool - Die Eier Von Satan Lyrics
Die Eier von Satan
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier
In eine Schüssel geben
Butter einrühren
Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwärter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..
The Eggs/Balls of Satan
Half a cup of powdered sugar
One quarter teaspoon salt
One knifetip Turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
... and no eggs
Place in a bowl
Add butter
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough
Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
and say the Magic Words:
"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"
Place on a greased baking pan and
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
...and no eggs.
Best Picture (25 points):
Best Actor (15 points):
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Best Actress (15 points):
Reese Witherspoon
Best Supporting Actor (10 points):
George Clooney
Best Supporting Actress (10 points):
Catherine Keener
Best Director (15 points):
Ang Lee
Best Original Score (15 points):
Dario Marianelli
Best Original Song (25 points):
"In the Deep" from CRASH
The point is, that this is not a pipe, but the picture of a pipe.
He wanted to show that there is a difference between reality and what we believe as reality
I'm also a fan of the Surrealists, especially Magritte, ever since i had to do a paper on them in school.
The text says: This is not a pipe
I had to think awhile (and read a book) before i understood that.
That's hard, i like both versions...
I'll take Dylan, because that's one of the first songs i heard of him
Whiskey in the Jar ~ Thin Lizzy or Metallica
Oh Shawna i feel with you.
When my grandmother was in hospital a few weeks before she died, she didn't want to eat either. It was a very hard time for all of us (especially my mother)