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Posts posted by Farin

  1. Cheers for the feedback, Farin.

    1) I'm pleased that you "quite like it", although a bit more enthusiasm wouldn't go amiss. :puppyeyes:

    2) Obvious Steve Albini influences? Comrade Andy is mostly responsible for the musical side of things, and I don't think Albini is an influential figure in his scheme of things, so it's an interesting observation you make there.Kindly elaborate, plz.

    3) Cool basslines. Yeah. Or bass sounds. One thing Andy and I agree on is the absolute superiority of the Jean Jacques Burnel bass sound. :bow:

    4) Variety is indeed one of the album's strengths, I agree. No one track is very much like another.

    5) The female vocals on Dub Cities: that is actually our 13 yr old daughters. :cuttie:

    6) You hear The Mob when listening to "The Sink". Another interesting observation. I play the bass on that one; the bassline is actually an assimilation of a vocal melody from a Rudimentary Peni tune, slowed down beyond recognition. I played the bassline, Andy recorded it, looped the best bits, then created an ambient soundscape (using only electronic sounds) to accompany it. I then added the vocals, choosing to use a fairly sweet vocal tone, (for once), in juxtaposition to the brutal frankness of the lyric. To be honest, any resemblance to The Mob is wholly unintentional and coincidental. But when my missus heard this track recently, she made exactly the same observation...

    7) Ah yes, Schmutziger Hund. I'm pleased you like that one. I'll save any revelations about Schmutziger Hund for the SongFacts songwriter interview. ;)

    8) "Slashing It Down" does seem to be the most immediately catchy tune, the potential hit single, but there are other songs I think are much better. But it is a damn catchy tune

    9) I don't think it is a ping-pong ball in Shipmanesque, but I hear what you mean.


    Don't nail me down to any associations I made - they're bound to be very subjective ;) I just got Big Black reminders when listening to some of the tracks (it could be that it's just because I don't know THAT much of them)

    As for The Sink: it reminded me of No Doves Fly Here for the same reasons you stated (atmospheric with "sweet" vocals)

    btw, maybe I should make it clear that that was meant as a compliment and I'm in no way complaining about it!

  2. The second song (a dance/electronic song) was around 1984 and all can remember

    were lyrics that roughly said: "how would you like it if I came over to your

    house with a board and we drank Coca-Cola"

    That's probably "Why don't I come over with the board, and drink coca-cola and make it?", which is a quote by William S Burroughs...

    after a bit of googling I found that bands like Cabaret Voltaire and Joy Division were quite the fans of him, but I couldn't find anything about it being used in a song...

  3. Well...is it any good?

    meh :P

    just kidding ;)

    no, I actually quite like it. The Steve Albini influences are still quite obvious, and I'm a sucker for cool basslines, which there are plenty of. Apart from that the album's pretty varied, which is always a good thing. Tracks like "Vacuum", "Yeah, wild I know but, nonetheless", "Dub cities" or "muh-m-m-m-m-muh" are nicely post-punky, and the female vocals are a nice touch as well... Also why do I keep thinking of the The Mob when listening to "The Sink"?

    A highlight for myself is obviously "Schmutziger Hund" - it'd be awesome if you could tell what inspired THAT :D

    all in all in the moment Slashing it Down is still my favourite song, but maybe that changes after a couple more listens. :)

    PS is that a ping-pong ball in Shipmanesque?

  4. This might come across as a bit ocd, but does anyone know what the correct* way to tag the "artist" of the Four Seasons' song "The Night" from the album Chameleon?

    Is it "The Four Seasons"

    or "Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons"

    or "Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons"

    or "The 4 Seasons"

    or... ?

    *the reason I'm asking is, because different sources tell different things and my #1 source for things like that, musicbrainz doesn't seem to know at all.

    so, does anyone have any idea?

  5. btw, I've been kind of surprised by how different the political standpoints of Obama and Romney actually (not) are

    This is a US election that defies logic and brings the nation closer towards a one-party state masquerading as a two-party state.


    As outrageous as it may appear, civil libertarians and human rights supporters would have actually fared better under a Republican administration. Had a Bush or McCain presidency permitted extrajudicial executions virtually anywhere in the world ( www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/AMR51/047/2012/en ), expanded drone strikes and introduced the NDAA, the Democratic Party would have howled from the rooftops. Senator Obama the Constitutional lawyer would have been one of the most vocal objectors. Under a Democratic administration however, these far-reaching developments have received scant opposition and a disgraceful absence of mainstream media coverage.

  6. Are there evil and greedy people at work in top levels of some corporations? Yes. Are there evil, greedy people in positions of worker representation in unions? Yes. Are there dishwashers who harbor evil, greedy thoughts of ripping off their employer at the next opportunity? I would hope not, but we all know the answer to that question. There are evil, greedy people in all walks of life and in every location around the world.
    That's true... but it's also true that the evil people in prominent positions (in corporate or political environments) have much more power and opportunities to do evil things that affect many other people, compared to the evil dishwashers.

    Also, I'm not sure if calling them 'evil' is really correct... I think it's more that a mixture of ignorance and greed is making them do things that are good for few people while not caring (or willingly accepting) that it would be bad for a larger group of peopl, the environment, etc.

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