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Everything posted by edna

  1. Same thing happened to many, as I can see. In my case I even had the video, and I just gave vinyls and videos to five or six people I know. They were very glad! I received lots of records when I was a rock journalist and I often had to get rid of many things I don´t like, for instance, an album of Prince (the one where he changed his name for symbol). I apologize, I never liked Prince...
  2. Barbra Streissand is my favourite (though I heard her this morning on the radio and she was making me a little nervous, she screamed more than I could remember). Cher is very good too, and Nicole Kidman.
  3. The Shirelles took Beethoven´s Moonlight Sonata for their song "Past, present and future" (Or was it the Shangrillas? Help me!)
  4. I remember a concert of James Brown, he´s always great live... but this time I wonder if he was drunk or what was he took, the band performed for 45 minutes before he came onstage. He was falling on the floor and laughing... it was hillarious... he spent fifteen minutes trying to begin any song but he just laughed and fell... the band kept on playing for another hour without JB, who was having a great time backstage.
  5. Yes, I guess we´re so many songfacters that sometimes we kinda collapse the site...
  6. Peaches, they´re looking for you! I´ve seen you today on the random board...
  7. [quote And Yazz...is that the group that was fronted by Allison Moyet? That girl is so underrated. Talk about blue-eyed soul.
  8. Thank you! That´s the one I don´t have... I ´ll try to get it.
  9. "Nofx". That´s the one I found in my tracker... Didn´t know about the group nor the song.
  10. XXX, what a great site!
  11. That is really a great song...
  12. First time I heard "My Sweet Lord" I thought he was singing "My sweet Laure", which made more sense for me... Anyway, we´re missing the point...
  13. This one: "Heartbreaker", Rolling Stones. It´s in the Goat´s Head Soup album.
  14. I know, MindCrime, it´s just that I thought it was songs about drugs... Well, maybe you´re right or we should include Stevie Wonder´s "Don´t drive drunk" then...
  15. Then, "Moonlight Mile", The Rolling Stones (a line goes... "with the head full of snow...")
  16. First, I would pay more attention in school. Then, I would go on and graduate from University. And marry my fiancé-by then and raise a family in my country and be rich. But I fell in love with Spain, it was springtime, I had a wonderfull job, money, friends, love, concerts, my appartment, I travelled and I had so much fun... Now I have another house, another husband and lots of money problems! But I don´t regret it, if I could take something back it would be maybe... don´t take that first q!
  17. "To sir, with love" - Lulu
  18. Del Shannon, "My Little Runnaway"
  19. Anne Murray "Snowbird"; Bing Crosby "White Xmas"; Van Morrison, "Snow in San Anselmo"; Berlin Irving, "Snow"; Pet Shop Boys "It doesn´t often snow in Xmas";
  20. She´s releasing an album with songs of, among others, Joe Cocker, Morrissey and U2. The U2´s song is "Two shots of happy, one shot of sad", written years ago for Frank Sinatra.
  21. I read this morning that Elvis Costello is releasing two albums at the same time. The second one is a soundtrack.
  22. Then you should try Google...
  23. Yes, that´s exactely what I mean! Most people think the Beach Boys were just blonde american surfers singing Barbara Ann and stuff like this. Sure I´ve heard Pet Sounds and more... Well, maybe it´s because I´ve been leaving in Europe for so many years and could be this point of view it´s not at all the one you have in the States. But I always thought they deserve more stars.
  24. Try The TabWorld.com
  25. In any case, you found the right place!
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