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Everything posted by edna

  1. Err...sorry, I meant Windy...
  2. I tried to put a pic of Keith Richards, or Alf... but I´m not good on computers...I´ll have to ask for help as soon as I´m in my new house and get my new internet connection. I didn´t see any Keith icon, I didn´t know Mindy has it already...
  3. Probably a mistake. It´s not strange, I´ve just bought me a compilation of oldies and they put a song from 1972...the oldies were from the 1969 hit-parade. Anyways, I doubt John Lennon could write Obladi etc in 1952, he was 12, and it´s not his style. But it wouldn´t surprise me if it was an old folk song from Nigeria...my auntie told me, in 1969, that she knew that song, she used to dance it when she was young!!! Paul McCartney could have taken the song and rearrange it... Yet my guess is a mistake from all.music.
  4. Bazooka, is that a picture from MAD Magazine?
  5. [quote "A song by Paul, it came from the phrase, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, that means "life goes on," that Paul heard by a man named Jimmy Anonmuogharan Scott Emuakpor, a Nigerian congo player
  6. He´s well-known for being very close with guns... and also for his work with Ike&Tina, Ronettes, Ramones, Leonard Cohen, John Lennon, Beatles... Anybody knows if he ever did something with the Rolling Stones? I believe there was a song in "Metamorphosis" which was produced by Spector... Oh, I still have all my things in boxes and cases, I´m moving on and I can´t check my info!
  7. Earth-Angel, you should be a songwriter! Your lyrics are really good!!! :guitar:
  8. Really...? Maybe I should try and do the same. You know, what I don´t understand is how such a genius who was half a Beatle and make the best music could change that much and make the worse music. It´s the huge difference what amazes me. I must say though that I like some songs on the two first McCartney solo albums.
  9. Oh, Mccartney´s relation with money...tss, tss, tss... Did he credit "Those where the days" to a Russian popular song? (not the lyrics, only the music). He was my favourite Beatle when I was seven or eight...then I prefered John. I hated Paul (more than Yoko) for breaking MY Beatles (I was a teenager, that´s worse than a parent´s divorce!!) and again when he tried to change the Lennon-McCartney for...McCartney-Lennon!!!!! That´s changing history! It´s not allowed! Well, anyway, though I think all his Wing music is crap, he´s still a Beatle and a genius.
  10. "Midnight Cowboy" -John Barry. Song by Harry Nilsson & Elephant´s Memory Band. "The Graduate"- Dave Grusin. Songs by Simon & Garf. "Paris brûle-t´il?"- Maurice Jarre- Songs by Mireille Mathieu. "Grease"- Travolta, Newton-John, Sha-na-na, arrangements by Barry Gibb and Frank Valli (am I right?) "Gimme Shelter" would be cheating?
  11. Try this one: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/6797/songs/obladioblada.html
  12. Daniel, don´t! It surelly hurts...
  13. The Marmelade was a Scottish band, their first hit was a cover of "Obladi-Oblada" in the late 60s, I guess. They had a couple of other songs but I think Google can give you more information about it.
  14. Yeah, that´s it! Thank you, Cyber! How comes I didn´t imagine that before???
  15. Yesterday night I´ve been to a concert of a local band, they were OK, only the sound mix was awfull and I could fell the bass knocking on my stomach... That reminds me of a Van Halen concert I´ve been some 10 or 15 years ago. The sound was SO LOUD I had to put cotton in my ears. Then my friend realized that most of the people of the audience were wearing eraplugs. I´ve been to hundreds of concerts and maybe more, but it´s the only time I saw fans with earplugs.
  16. Very good, DaveG. Why not plug in?
  17. Oh, BluesBoy, that one is great!!! I had it on my favourite walkman tape four times, two on each side... By the way, MuzikT, how is your compilation doing?
  18. I heard many versions about that and some people told me it´s true. The hardest thing I saw was the Damned live and the drummer, who probably was annoyed or in a bad trip or something, took a cymbal and threw it flying into the audience... fortunately, all heads remained on their places.
  19. I just found they also covered Tom Waits´ "Ol´55".
  20. I don´t know, I wonder if it´s not rather "More than a woman", but it could also be that one by Billy Joel, which I don´t know. But if you listen to "Everybody pays", on "Shangri-La" (Knopf´s last CD) you can see that it looks very much like the same tune. Once George Harrison was asked: "If you could change one single thing in your life, what would it be?" And he said: "The 12th note of My Sweet Lord". I know I should post this on another thread, but well, it came to my mind...
  21. And me too! No joking, you could write on some music newspapers. That´s a great thing to do, believe me!
  22. I found my video of Rolling Stones Circus, it´s funny... it seems like an old hippy meeting, there´s John and Yoko and Julian, Marianne Faithfull, Eric Clapton, Patti Harrison, Donovan among others. It´s aging strangely but we fans of stones and of the 60-70´s will love it.
  23. Have you heard the last Mark Knopfler CD? I loke it, only one of the songs (# 6, I don´t remember the title, I´ll check out later) reminds me of "Only a Woman". Can somebody tell me who sang "Only a woman" (a ballad, something soft, like Chris Isaak but not him). Thanks!
  24. Monty Python ("In Hollywood", I think) sing about the penis and give it plenty of names.
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